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Tier 2: Customizable Quiz & eCommerce Games

Tier 2: Customizable Quiz & eCommerce Games

Elevate Your Brand with Customizable Games

Take customer engagement to the next level with PlayAblys customizable games. These games aren't just fun—they're designed to encourage repeat visits through daily challenges and rewards. Based on quiz data and personas, our games offer tailored experiences that resonate with your audience, providing product discovery opportunities or discounts as they progress through the game.

Why Customizable Games?

  • Deepen Customer Connection: Custom games provide immersive, persona-driven experiences that build a stronger connection between your brand and your audience.

  • Encourage Repeat Visits: By incorporating daily rewards and challenges, games motivate customers to return regularly, driving continuous engagement and increasing brand loyalty.

  • Unique Brand Expression: With customizable options, you can create games that represent your brand while incentivizing play through daily challenges or rewards, keeping users coming back for more.

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+34% Conversion Rate
+42% Email + SMS Opt In
+30% ROAS